Sunday, November 1, 2009

Las Vegas Baby!

Ah the beautiful mountains on the drive down. I decided to take this picture to distract myself from Hector's Canyon driving. He is a confident and great driver, don't get me wrong. But when the speed limit says " curve ahead :55" and you do 70... my hands break out in a cold sweat. It didn't help when he said something like he could put Earnhardt to shame... great.

LOOK AT THIS HOTEL ROOM!! We were there on a business trip and they put us up in a great room! Hector and I have stayed in some amazing hotel rooms before, but Gabe has not. He thought that this place was awesome.
The annoyed feeling from dragging Gabe's tractors through a parking garage, through the wall of smoke that they call a casino, up the elevators, through a mile long walk to our hotel room quickly vanished once he started playing with them. He was entertained non stop with those tractors!!

And if it wasn't the tractors, it was the airplanes and helicopters at the McCarren airport. He watched out this window for hours, screaming every time one would lift off.

I was very nervous however with him standing on the ledge of the window. We used to do this in our old family station wagon. Sit with our backs on the hatch door of the wagon while Mom drove, just imagining it opening and us falling out. :) I know hotel window don't open, but what if he leaned on it just right....
I got over my fear though, and good news. He never fell out :)

Waiting for Dad to come back from the meetings. We did swim a lot though, but I can't manage a camera and a 2 yr old in the pool :)

Our view of the airport :)

Welcome back to Utah! I have a goal of taking a picture of the state boarder of every stat we go to . I did take them of Arizona and Nevada, but I won't bore you :)