Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alexandria's Baptism

I have finally found time to post more of our big vacation pictures. This is still Phoenix. The main reason for our big vacation was to go baptize Alexandria. She was very excited!

Her and her Dad before the big moment in their matching white outfits. Hector, being such a big guy, was feeling pretty "snug" in his :)

Alexandria and Gabe. Gabe didn't quite understand what was about to happen, and he wasn't too thrilled that he couldn't get in the water with Daddy and Alex

The whole family! It was a fun and happy day. Since Alexandria lives with her Mom, Grandma and Grandpa here in Phoenix, we decided it would be a wonderful thing to have her Grandpa confirm her. He has been there each day for her and we are truly grateful for such a wonderful influence in her home. I was a great day.