HA HA HA HA, if you can't tell
what Gabe is doing in the picture above... well I am not going to explain. All I will say is, you don't have to teach a boy how to be a boy....
Ahhh, dollar store toys. We bought a few things at the dollar store and Alex and Gabe loved them so much! We played every afternoon out side in the water. I am not including pictures of my insane sun burn.... that was bad. Once I got my base tan though (the hard way) it was smooth sailing and everyone had beautiful tan lines!!

Lots of sprinklers and swimming pools. We left the little pool filled overnight to let the water warm up, but when we went out the next afternoon... THERE WAS A DEAD BIRD IN IT! It had drowned!! What in the world? Oh well, rest in peace little birdie.

His very strong muscles :)
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