We have been creating all sorts of adventures for our little family in our new home! It seems like there are a hundred things within walking distance of us that we all enjoy. Our last city was too rural for sidewalks... this was pretty rough with a 3 yr old. I think we are so excited about having sidewalks we make up adventures just so we can walk on them:)
One of our new favorites is the snow cone shake on the corner. LOVE EM!!! They put this delightful creme on top that makes my mouth water (and makes me feel like I am paying for more than just ice and juice.) Plus they have a bunch under the shade of a tree, and straw's with the little spoon on one end! I think we walked there 4 times last week.

Landon (Gordito) wasn't too happy on his first trip to the snow cone shack. He has since warmed up now sleeps the entire way there and back :)

Another adventure? Swimming. I required a community pool because I knew we would use it. I was right... we have not missed a single day. It has been so lovely!! We just put on swim suits, walk down the street, and swim!! All day, everyday. We sometimes even swim in the afternoons, go home, and come back at night. It's perfect.
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