Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life as we know it

Life. Life has been good to us this summer. We are so glad to be back in Utah that it seems that no matter what comes, we (and yes, I mean Hector too.) are determined to look at it glass half full. We have spent hours on end at the pool, eaten more snow cones than we can count, and seen more movies than we need to.

But we are loving it. Hector and I are now used to being together 24/7. It really does take some getting used too:) Gabe is getting ready for preschool in a few weeks. Landon is refusing to accomplish any achievements that may make him less attached to his Mommy. (i.e. drinking from a bottle/Binky/fingers/blanket/ANYTHING!!)

Having Hector home is like giving me another form of amnesia. Our schedule is totally out the window. I am sorry if I have completely forgotten an appointment with you!! But, besides that, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Living in a Condo has it's good points and it's...not so good points. 3 flights of stairs + having Costco close by = ANNOYING/tighter glutes. Large dumpster = no more overflowing garbage cans/dumpster diving when the wrong bag is thrown in :(

But like I said, glass half full :)

Hector has been golfing every day. Really. I have been doing photography and catching up on my reading. And, after recently reading book 1 of the Hunger Games, I am obsessed with food storage and learning how to survive in the wilderness.

Well, there is an update for you. We haven't been socializing with any of you, because we are obsessively in love with our little family.