Today has been one of those days. I can't decide if anything about today was really as bad as it seemed, or if I was the problem:) I am leaning towards... A bad day. It actually started off on a good spiritual note with a lovely visiting teaching message, followed by a trip to the salon to cut Gabe's hair (which he loves to do), and then home again for lunch.

After lunch was a different story. One drama after another from fighting with friends, to one grounded little boy. To two little boys too busy playing to sit and finish their dinner, and ended with Landon throwing up on me (missing my face but covering my hair) and Gabe being so hungry from missing dinner that it is PB&J at 10 pm.
Now that I am reading my troubles back to myself I am pretty sure my older sister would smack me (cause what I described is pretty much her daily routine) and tell me to take a nap (cause that usually ends the "whole world is crashing down" feeling).
But, as I lay here, freshly showered and barf free, and watch my babies sleep I feel so happy to be a Mom. I squish their chubby toes, brush hair from their foreheads, and kiss their cheeks. Then they twitch a little and I hold my breathe while they roll and get comfy again, cause lets be real here. I love them but mom needs some alone time.

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