Wednesday, September 16, 2009


One of the best parts of being a parent is watching your child discover new things in life. It is more fun for me to have him discover them than it was when I was just discovering them for myself. Just like Christmas, when you loose the magical spirit that Christmas brings, you discover your excitement in re living it through your child.

Rain, beautiful rain. I personally love rain. I love to watch it, smell it and be in it. Gabe has recently discovered his love for rain also. Grandma sent him a special duckie rain coat and he has decided that it is this seasons "must have" for his wardrobe.

The puddles never stood a chance. Neither did the earthworms that came out to bask in their slimey glory. Rest in peace wormies.

The look on his face is what makes me smile the most. Gabe is what you would call a "ham". A performer. I am afraid he will be an open book, like his mother when he grows up. But for now, I am happy to say that Gabe loves the rain in all it's wet and mugginess, that turns our world into mysterious land of rest and solitude.


Laura said...

Aww, two of my favorite things - rainy days and the Gabe-meister. Love this boy!

Kim said...

He is adorable. I love the duckie raincoat!