Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh why oh why can't I be super mom/wife?

Today my puppy had to go potty outside as he does multiple times a day. Only this trip was unique. I opened the front door and to my surprise there was a very calm and cute miniature Daschund on my door step.
"Oh! Where did you come from?" I asked it while my dog did circles around him, initiating him into our club. I went down to peak around the corner for an owner and sure enough, there she was. My cute, petite and very clean neighbor and her 2 boys headed up my drive way.
I suddenly felt very self conscious without make-up, in my workout/pajama's and my husbands socks. "Would it have killed you to get dressed today?" I immediately thought, resisting the tempation to dive behind my bushes..
"Hi!" is what I said.
She apologized for the dog, saying she was doggy sitting for family. We don't mind, we are all animal lovers around here.
I did mind however when my son began screaming "Puppy! Come here! Puppy Come Here!...." and running after her dog.
"Ha ha....ha" I thought and said as I took off after him.
In turn her son, took off after my son. My dog after her dog. And so our gallivant through the neighborhood began.
We made it through one field, one neighbors yard, through my house TWICE, through the flower bed, around the cul-de-sac and back to our porch.
Where she promptly took hold of her dog's collar, I took hold of my son's collar, we wished each other a very Happy Thanksgiving and parted.
She is so very sweet and I will never come downstairs again un showered and without make-up on.


Laura said...

LOL! Miss Kimberly, you are one talented writer. Loved that post... I can just imagine the entire incident! Sounds like it was a fun day! ;)

Kelly Robinson said...

That sounds like it would have been so much fun to watch.