Saturday, December 5, 2009


Well, I don't have many pictures of Page. For those of you that have gone there without going to Lake Powell will know why. That is a "blink and you'll miss it" kind of town. But the one thing they do have? A great golf course. So, Hector had a great time while Gabe and I found something, anything to do.

I asked our hotel guy what there was to do. After a blank stare that meant something like "you mean...not Lake Powell, right? Um......Ha ha....ha" we found a museum about the history of Lake Powell and John Wesley Powell...oh yeah and some dinosaurs.
So off went our family. Gabe was very excited until we walked in. He saw A LOT of pictures of water on the wall, a dinosaur footprint in rock and with a fallen face he said "Where's dinosaurs in cages Mommy?"
"Uh... crap. How do you explain that one honey?" was my question to Hector.
With a blank expression we both resorted to finding a great toy instead:) Parents of the year I know. We found an egg made of chalk with a glow in the dark dino inside. He loved it! We didn't love the 2 hours of scraping it took to "un earth" or dino, but he still loves it and named it Rexy.

Hope this video works :)