Friday, December 11, 2009


I know your jealous. Swimming over Thanksgiving break, who's ever heard of such a thing? It was lovely. Sorry the pictures are a little fuzzy, they were a little dark and I had to lighten them.
Cute Alexandria in the pool. She has always been a fish.

Me and Gabe. He is also a fish. This is the first day of swimming, and the last time I got completely in the water. He and Alex jumped in, swam to the edge, climbed out, and did it all over again.

Gabe swimming "on his back". Please don't think I am the kind of Mom to throw my kid and and let them fend for themselves. He wouldn't let me touch him. He wanted to do it "by himself". I did have a couple of coughing moments where I about took the plunge, whereas my shoes would not have survived, but I would have heroically saved my golden child. But by the time the thought came, he was smiling and swimming again.

I will post Phoenix in 2 post cause we did a lot of activities. Alexandria has taken up tennis! He loves it! Though, she is a miniature Hector so if you give her a stick and a few rocks she can come up with a game... and a way to beat you at it.

Her turn to hit. Look at that form!! :)

Look at that agility!!