Monday, January 4, 2010

and another one bite's the dust...

Unlike my husband, I do not take pride so much in the spiciest food my son can eat, or how hard he can tackle. I beam with pride over so many things my son does and says, and one of them is his lack of shyness, and ability to have a conversation with people... such a cutie! I expected no less from him when it came to his first encounter with Santa. You have all heard me rant over our horrible experience so I will not go over it again.
This picture is of Gabe and his Dad just moments before the big moment. He had memorized his script, watched Santa from afar, and discussed all the wonderful things Santa is/does/represents. Now it was his turn. He hid behind my leg till we got to Santa, then he said "No!! No want to!!" while I forced him onto his knee. He promptly swung his leg over and hopped down.
In the end, we compromised to sitting next to Santa, with no form of contact whatsoever. I of course said the words that Santa hears at least a dozen times a day "He was so excited! He isn't usually like this! Really!"
I am thinking of petitioning to let Santa have the power of bribery.