Sunday, January 3, 2010

Our Christmas Tradition

I am not sure if 2 years in a row can be called a tradition yet, but I have every intention of making it one in the future. Ginger Bread houses. I have kind of a love/hate relationship with them. This has been established because I was not aware that there is a science to the icing you use to make it stick together. So after some not so Christmas-y words, the roof you see in the picture above, was lying flat with a sun roof in it.

I am not sure if it was Gabe's lack of nap or my need to have a Martha Stewart Gingerbread house, but the beginning of our project went something like this.
Me: "Gabe! Let's make some gingerbread houses! You want to? We can put candy on them and icing."
Gabe:" Ya!!!" runs to the table and jumps up. 2 minutes later...
Me :"Oh, no! You can help me make it... but.. not ACTUALLY touch it. You can had me the candy."
Dad: "This sounds like a fun tradition already...."
No worries though, once the icing wouldn't hold together, I let Gabe go at it. I'll be Martha next year.


Julie said...

I actually hot glue our houses together and then let them have at it with the icing and candy!

metcalfruf said...

i bought the house kit at costco and it is still sitting on the counter looking at me saying,"marci how could you forget me?"

Smith Family said...

hahahahahaha....hahahahahahah! Your are so funny! That is kind of how I opperate though... lets make snow man ornaments kids!... NO! MOM is going to fill them! NO! MOM will do the glue dots where they have to go to make it pretty! I know, I'm bad! I try to say it nice though :o) if that's any consulation! But call me next year for the icing recipe :O) It doesn't fall apart!