This summer we decided to enroll Alexandria in soccer. This is a sport that she has never attempted to play before. We soon realized that enthusiasm and being outgoing will get you through anything in life, including playing on a team that has been playing together for 4 yrs already. Not to mention it is a Latino league which means all these kids were born wearing either a Mexico or Argentine jersey. We are sporting Mexico :)

She is doing really well actually. Learning very quickly and enjoying it.
Santi, her fellow team mate and who just happens to live down the street, has become a great friend. We are all hoping that her desire to play soccer and her love of the game is not just to get extra practice time with
Santi ;)

You have to hand it too her, for not knowing any
technical skills, she is willing to jump in and try! She does well, you can tell it is in her blood. Her Dad just hopes that she bleeds green and red ;P

She is having a blast though. We do our best to encourage her and her soccer friends while they are out on the field. We are hoping that their new request for us to call them "
Messi" and "
Beckham" doesn't mean that the compliments are going to their heads.
Great job Alexandria!!
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