SSOOOO Busy around here!! Christmas post is really far behind huh? Well, here it is, better late than never. We made sugar cookies first, frosted them and sprinkled them with "snow sprinkles"

Ever since Halloween my little family has been craving sugar cookies, so by this point Gabe is getting really good at frosting on his own. It is a slow process, but the fun stuff usually is right?

We went over to Aunt Terri's house for Christmas Eve. Since we have moved to Idaho, Aunt Terri has ind of filled the role of Grandma for Gabe. She was sweet to buy him a gift this year... he got a matching Nerf gun to play with his cousins!! Hooray!! This one he can actually pull and load himself.

Then we made "Magic Hot Chocolate" at Terri's house. We
followed the
recipe and the magic hot chocolate helped us fall asleep for Santa to come!!

Hooray Christmas Morning!! We had been waiting for this for a long time!!! When you are an only child, it doesn't take very long to open all the presents :) Gabe tore open every one as quickly as he could. it was so much fun to see the
surprise and
excitement on his face!!
That magic hot chocolate is a cute idea! You have to put up a prego picture.
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