I enjoy the Easter holiday. I remember waking up to a table of candy and the log house my Dad would make out of Caramello's. Mmmmmm.....
This year we went and saw the movie "Hop" just a week or so before Easter, which helped Gabe understand the concept of the Easter Bunny.
But we defiantly lost the story of the real reason for Easter. I did my best to talk to him about it, but.. the Easter Bunny brings candy so the story always had to end with the the bunny.

Since my sister and brother in law are filling in for Gram and Gramps here in Idaho, we headed to their house to dye eggs. Each of the kids had 3 eggs to color, and none of them made it to their 3rd. Each one left about half way through coloring their 2nd and would say "Get that out of the dye when it is dark enough." Then they would run play. Yep, it was THAT exciting.

Gabe's two favorite colors are blue and green. Guess what colors his eggs were. And heaven forbid they touch a drop of yellow, or red.

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