Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I know ya wanna know...

Well, I know I love to hear birth stories, so I assume you do too :) Well, I had gone to the doctor for my 37 week appointment and Landon hadn't been as active as he should have been so they monitored me for an hour or so. They monitored me in a lazy boy, let me tell you, it was rough. He still wasn't moving a lot so they brought out a vibrator, put it up to my tummy and turned it on. I seriously thought Landon was going to jump right out of my tummy. I am sure he has nightmares about that thing. But he began moving after that!!

So I left and came back Monday for my 38 week appointment. I had prepared a speech the whole way there about why the baby should come out NOW, but when the doctor walked in she said "Let's get that baby out!! How about tomorrow?" I said "That's not good for me." So we induced on Wednesday.

My sweet sister Cindy drove up the night before to take Gabe, which was a life saver!! Thank you Cindy :) So, Hector and I went to the hospital (the same one I was born in :) at 7 am.

The worst part is always the IV. ALWAYS. Once it was in it was smooth sailing from there, except for the constant throb in my hand... stupid IV. They started the pit at 8 am. I lasted for about, 20 minutes... long enough for the Anesthesiologist to get there before I was DONE with contractions. Epidural went in. Tingling toes, numb legs that felt like they weighed 500 lbs. (at 9 months I am sure they actually did). *sigh* happiness is an epidural.

Hector and I talked, and laughed, and joked. Pretty soon it was 1 pm and they said I was fully dilated. Then, while Hector and my doctor chatted about Mexico and their common love for Noni juice, I pushed twice, till 1:05 and he was born!! ( I actually pushed longer this time that with Gabe)

I thought Gabe's delivery was easy. Landon's was even easier.