Happy 36th Birthday Hector!!
Wow, if he is 36 that means I am turning 26 this year. Wow, I still feel like I am 18. Time flies!! Gabriel insisted that Hector have a Pirate themed birthday this year :) So we built a treasure chest and hid clues for Daddy to find.

Gabriel was awake at the crack of dawn and could not wait for Daddy to get up and start his hunt. Daddy found all the clues and eventually found the treasure chest.

Did I mention we are moving? In light of this new adventure in our lives, celebrations of any kind have been down sized a bit for lack of time. Hector's birthday was sadly one of these. We took Gabe to see "Hop", which he loved :) Then we ate a Salmon dinner, a sacrifice for me since I detest fish.

Gabe's treasure box was a hit and Hector had a great birthday
regardless of doing no activities for his own pleasure :) We love you Daddy!!!

Inside the treasure box Gabe and spent a lot of time drawing pictures of his favorite memories with Daddy. One was a picture of he and Daddy walking to the hospital to visit Mommy and Landon :) Another was grilling
carnita (steak) with Daddy. Love those Boys!!!
Happy Birthday Hector!! uh...you're moving again? Where to??
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