Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Things

Last Sunday was Landon's first day at church.

He was so handsome.

I love this little guy!

He is easily twice as big as his brother was at this age.

He is in the 95 % for both height and weight.

His Dad has nick named him "Gordito" (little fattie in Spanish)

Along with Gabe's nick name of "Moco" (booger in Spanish), I would say we are on our way to raising confident children.

Another new thing? We are moving. Next week in fact.

I am excited/overwhelmed/anxious about this.

We are so happy to go back to Utah.

Happy enough to pack a million boxes and haul them to another state.

I am so excited to be by family and friends again!!

Anyone up for a lunch date? Or a play date in the park??


Nicole said...

um YES! I am so excited for you to be closer. Please let me know if you need help unpacking or cleaning or watching your adorable boys. Can't wait to see you!!!