Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My sweet boy! He is about to turn 6 months. He has been high maintenance since the day he was born, but somehow I still love him to death!!

At 4 months he was 20 lbs. The average size of a 6 month old :) I can't imagine what he will be at 6 months. He already wears 12 month old shirts.

What can I say? We make big boys.

His rolling now. Everywhere. He has discovered how to roll to get things and is toying with the idea of getting up on his knees. I am very excited! It seems like he has been stuck in the baby stage forever and he will never be big enough to play with his brother!!

Look at those lashes!! Those aren't photo shopped my friends!!

He loves his bouncer. He loves to bounce period. I really think my arms should be much more toned than they are with a 20 lb baby jumping on my lap all day.

He loves his brother... and his brothers crazy ideas.
I am interested to see what happens when Landon has opinions.

Loves his toes. Loves his Mommy. Loves to snuggle.

I love his chubby cheeks. His chubby legs. His gut. His chubby feet. And his one dimple on his right cheek.

Don't you just want to squish him and all his chubby goodness?

Yes, those cheeks are filled with delicious goodness that Mommy munches on all day!!

That's My Landon!


Kelly Robinson said...

Kim, He is adorable I love the rolls. Those pictures of him are so cute.

Smith Family said...

THat 1st picture an d a few of the next ones look JUST like you when you were a baby!!! SEriously, get out your baby book! They remind me a little of Steve too. Hextor's in there a little too :o) But he is a Harris!