Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gabe's 4 !!!

The most exciting thing this summer? Gabriel turned 4 !! He is so stoked.

This means that he will be going to preschool this fall! Wow, my baby is growing so fast.

He woke up too a lot of balloons. He was a little confused at first, probably still half asleep. But as soon as he realized what they were, he started yelling :)

My big birthday boy with his birthday crown. Happy Birthday Gabie!!

A few things about Gabe:

-Loves Tractors, trucks, trains, airplanes, basically anything that moves.

-Loves Transformers, Avengers, and Andrew Zimmern.

-Loves Firetrucks and and anything that rescues people.

-Wants to be a fireman, construction worker, and a vet when he grows up.

-His favorite food is Sushi and Carnita (anything meat)

-Loves swimming, the park, walks, snow cones and his friends

- Such a big helper! Loves his brother and his family.

d The first thing on our agenda was the fire station. Gabe's friend Myles came along and they were both so stoked!!

When we got there, they were expecting us (we live next to the station, and I had run into the fireman several times at the gas station, reminding them we were coming:)

So all the firetrucks were outside being washed and test runs done with the hoses.
Gabe was to the fire hose trying to turn the nozzle on before the fireman could introduce himself. He let Gabe spray the hose, while he held onto him or it would have been Gabe's first experience with flight.

We toured the ambulance, the all-terrain vehicles and more firetrucks.

Gabe had some specifics he wanted to do while we were there,with or without the firemen.

even the fireman's attempt to distract him were pointless.
Remember that he wants to be a fireman when he grows up? Yep, he knew everything about everything. Like not trying on just any helmet... it had to have a shield.

I have a lot of gratitude for firemen and what they do. They were really great for Gabe's birthday. I can confidently say that we were the highlight of their day... they weren't exactly busy.

Oh. And you know those firemen calenders they sell? Ya. None of THOSE firemen live by us.

Then came lunch at Chili's. We hate have the servers sing. It is just as embarrassing to them as it is to us. But it was a first for Gabe and he loved the attention!

Then it was his party !! Normally I just invited close family and friends... this year however ALL of my family was in town. All 55 people. It was more of a family reunion of sorts.

Thanks to everyone who came!! We had a blast and Gabe will remember it forever!!

We swam...and swam...and swam. 4 Hours worth to be exact.

Happy Birthday Buddy!! We love you so much!! Thank you for being a great kid. You are so helpful, so sweet and we love you so much!!

He got so many great gifts. In fact, he would not swim after opening presents, he wanted to open them all. Now. We told him we would do it when we got home. And we did. It was a very late night.

But the next morning he got another surprise. A belated present arrived and Mommy began setting it up. Was very patient through the whole 2 hour set up process.

And he loves it!!!