Sunday, September 25, 2011

My finale post on the subject - promise

Well, my last blog post was a bit depressing wouldn't you say? Yikes, sorry about that. But, if you read it, then I have good news for you. I have made a decision over how to help my son when he feels like he isn't good enough. I am going to teach my son to stand for what is right.

I know, DUH.

But it is more than that. I am going to try and teach them to be brave and stand for whats right. Gabe has my personality. Outgoing, talkative, over the top. He has all the potential in the world to make a difference for what is right. Most hero's (firefighters, EMT's, your thoughtful neighbor) will say that it is they who receive the gift when they serve others. So how to give my son confidence in life? Teach him to give it to others.

I like to think that every child is taught to choose the right, but I don't know if they are prepped to do it when the opposing force is staring them in the face. Those who are, I think, can handle anything that comes there way.

I made a mistake when I was 10. I was in 5th grade in a new school with no friends. I quickly learned who the cool kids, the geeky kids and the "in-between-ers" were. In my school, there was one "geek" in particular whom the entire 5th grade singled out (at least that is what it felt like) I remember one day, one of my first days in a new school, a kid was being particularly mean to this "geek" in class. And, in a brave voice I stood up and said (what I had read on an LDS poster):

"It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice. To everyone!"

The backlash for defending the kid was more than I thought I could take. I never defended him again. I regret that. I joined in with the crowd and lost the desire to defend the week.

How did this kids mother feel?! How did this kid feel?! I never knew, cause he changed schools.

Well. I will do my very best to make sure this is NOT the decision my kids make. I will make a point to my children that they are great. They are brave. They can do great things for themselves and others.

So in all, I have decided that the best way to make my son feel good about himself and feel empowered in this world, is to teach him to make others feel good and empower others. To defend those who cannot defend themselves and to be brave when someone stands up to him. He is not allowed to start a fight, but he is allowed to finish it.

Okay, I'm off my soap box now.

In other great news, my baby is sitting up now!! Hooray!! I wasn't sure how quickly he would do this cause he is quick the chubby boy :) But wow, he is growing and learning quick! His stats at his 6 month check were:

Weight : 21lbs - 95%

Height: I don't remember :) - but I remember it was in the 97%

He is the average size of a 12 month old :) I know. Wow