Sunday, October 23, 2011

Boys will be Boys

Well the fall weather is officially here! I love fall. I thought I would do one last summer post. These pictures are from around September, of both my boys, but a lot of Landon. I feel bad have more pictures of Landon at the moment, but when I compare them to the amount of pictures I have of Gabe at this age, I don't feel guilty any more :)

He is just growing so fast!

He is a large boy. Gabe at 4 years old weighs 42 lbs. Landon, at 7 months weighs 23 lbs.

He is wearing 12 - 18 month clothing. I think he got Mom's genes :) He is sitting up now, and rolls everywhere. I wish he would start crawling already, but who could blame him when he has to lift those chunky legs and tummy? ;)

Gabe always had a binky in his mouth, so a baby who doesn't take one and puts EVERYTHING ELSE in his mouth, is a change.

I started really pushing the solid foods after Hector and I went out on our first date since he was born and got a little taste of freedom.

Landon loves anything hearty... potatoes, chicken noodle, enchiladas... you name it.

My boys love bathing together, Gabe thinks it is hilarious to pour water over Landons head. Landon... not so much. Landon thinks every toy Gabe is holding is the greatest thing and wants to play with it. Not so great for Gabe. Despite the differences, they splash and splash and have a great time.

Despite a few colds, we had a great summer but we are so glad to see the fall!!


Julie said...

Love it! Super cute family Kimmy.