Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Truth

I have gone through the stages of grieving over my monotonous life this past week. I am over it now and I have been giggling a lot lately when I think about my quirks. I am weird people. Here is a list of common things that happen around my house. I hope they are common for you too, but don't tell me if they aren't. Just let me believe I am normal :)

1. I set my alarm to wake up early to exercise, then either hit the off with an enthusiastic "Hell no!" or keep hitting snooze till my hubby does it for me.
2. I own twice as much workout clothing as I do normal clothing. I hope when people see me in it at the store they think "Wow. I wish I could workout like she does."
3. When I am running late and people call me to see where I am, generally I tell them I am a few exits closer than I really am. Except for my sister-cause she calls me on it.
4. If it hits 2 pm, it is way too late in the day for a shower. Unless we are going out with people, like a double date, not people as in the general public. Who cares about the general public's opinion? :)
5. I always watch What Not to Wear and say "Duh!" to the people on the TV. Then I get dressed in my workout clothes and head to run my errands.
6. I never take my makeup off at night. I always say I am going to do it, then I snuggle up under the covers and I am not willing to get out of bed again.
7. I wish I was a runner. I read a friends blog recently and she qualified for the Boston Marathon! Are you kidding me? I only run if it is to get away from something.
8. I can wear shirts twice, jeans for a week, but heaven forbid i wear the same socks twice before washing.
9. I always leave a hall light on. The doorway cannot be darker than inside my room. Who knows what would be lurking out there?
10. If it is dark, and I have to go up some stairs, I run. Always.
11. If it is dark and I am getting into my car, I look through every window and check behind everything, even if it is physically impossible for someone to hide there.
12. My feet never hang over the edge of the bed. Something WILL bite them off.
13. Always use covers. If someone breaks into my house, I am sure they will see me and be like ""Crap. She's covered up. Oh well." and leave.
14. I don't mix cereals.
15. The level of importance around here is:

16. Last but not least. If it takes me a minute to open the door, it is because I just threw away the wrappers on the floor, threw the dishes in the sink, pushed toys under the sofa and pulled the pony tail out of my hair.

Do you relate?


Kelly Robinson said...

You are totally normal and your priorities are spot on girl.

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

You are so funny, as I was reading thru these, at 90% of them, I was like, "oh that is so me"!