Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finishing up Fall

Well I decide I had better finish up fall and Halloween pictures before everyone was sick of seeing them and ready for Christmas :) Well, the first pictures of our pancakes were taken weeks before Halloween. Pancakes are desirable #1 around our house. Growing up, my Dad was amazing at making pancakes into all sorts of shapes, including but not limited too all kinds of tractors. I, sadly did not inherit this talent. So, when Halloween comes around and I have a chance to make my toddler think I am amazing cause I can turn a round pancake into a pumpkin, I take advantage for as long as I can.

He loved his punkin pancake! And who wouldn't want to share it with Thundercracker and his garbage truck?

This little cutie patootie loves his Bumbo (thanks Aunt Cindy!!) He loves being right there with everyone at the table. He has also discovered that he loves pancakes, especially when they get really soggy in syrup:)

On the Saturday before Halloween, our city puts on a trick or treat event in our local park. It is a fun time for kids, but mostly it is a great time for all local businesses to hand out their business cards. We decided to dress the boys up check out the event. I REALLY didn't think it was worth it. No system for handing out candy could have handled how many children showed up. It took 2 hours to get through half the vendors.

Obviously Landon did not think it was worth it either :( He looks adorable in his giraffe costume, but he really doesn't like wearing it. Probably because he is attempting to crawl these days, and the giraffe's overly stuffed (and overly adorable) tummy make scrawling impossible. Sorry Dude, it's only once a year :)

My sister and I try to get away once in a while and do a girls night. Generally this ends up with us trying to have a conversation and shop with crying babies. But sometimes we get lucky! This was NOT a lucky night. But that is ok:)

We still had a good time at Pizza Factory and the mall.

My cute sister and her baby Rylan:)

Yay for Halloween morning! Gabe was SO EXCITED!! He had preschool this morning and was so stoked for his Halloween party! He has a bit of a crush on a girl in preschool who came to the party as VENOM!! (alternate version of Spiderman) Oh my hanna! He couldn't wait to tell me how cool she was! :)


Gabe has lot's of dress up costumes that he plays with. For his Halloween party at school he decided to be Thor...

For trick or treating he wanted to be a ninja! My boys all dressed up! Aren't they adorable??

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!