Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall don't leave!

We had beautiful weather for trick or treating on Halloween this year!! For this reason we were all so surprised to wake up to snow the next morning. Gabe asked in a car ride home in the snow if Fall was over and Winter was here. This made me so sad! I love fall, it and spring are my favorite seasons. I thought I had better post the rest of our fall pictures before the season is gone, if it hasn't already left :(

We have a lot of parks close to where we are renting right now. It has been a lot of fun to try them all out all year. We decided to take a walk to another park to enjoy the fall colors and play last Sunday.

Landon is always happy when we are outside! I think he enjoys it more than we do:) Such a cute Bubba!!

Gabe loves any park with toys. But this park was special because it also has a basketball court! Of course he had to bring his basketball to shoot some hoops!

Landon loves the swings. I can see in his face on the first swing when his stomach does a flip flop:) After that though he laughs and laughs!!

Don't you just love those cheeks??!!

The basket is a little tall for Gabe:) But boy did he try! He also invited another boy who was playing at the park to play a "pick up game" with him:)

Landon just wanted to sit and run his fingers in the grass. We spent a lot of time at the pool this summer so Landon is still unsure of what grass is. Nest year I am sure he will love grass and dirt and everything that goes with it:)
I have a feeling this is goodbye to fall. I am very sad. It seems like it gets shorter every year.