I am a little early on this post, but when you have been married for 7 years, everyday is a reason to celebrate right?!
On December 17, 2004 Hector and I got hitched!
It may have been 7 years ago, but it only feels like maybe... 3 years?
Time sure flies when you are having fun :)

Everything that day was perfect! I always tell Hector that I want to have a few more weddings so I can try out different dresses, different colors and venue's :) A girl can dream right?

Hector and I at the Grand America in Salt Lake.
We went on our honeymoon to Cancun. It was so beautiful there, and we saw some amazing sights. But we mostly laugh about the not so great parts of the trip, like the bus breaking down and being stuck in the middle of nowhere at a restaurant that kept the lights on after they closed so we wouldn't be in the dark waiting for 6 hours for a taxi. But that was back in the day when you kept your pictures on
CD's and I am too lazy to find the CD :)

Hector and I in Germany, fall of 2006. Hector surprised me with airplane tickets to Europe for my birthday that year. Isn't he the best?? We went to London, Germany, and Austria. He knows I have a passion for travel, and thankfully he does too :) I love you Babe!

Nueschweinstien. (I have no idea if I am spelling that right:)

Here we are in Hawaii, fall of 2005. Hawaii was beautiful! We
definitely want to go back, but this time to a more remote island.

Polynesian cultural center,a must stop for all first time Hawaii visitors:)

It has been 7 great years together! There were trials along the way, but there are too many happy memories to count! We have had two beautiful boys together, built homes together, traveled together, talked on the phone till we fell asleep on the nights we were apart, and never miss a chance to say I love you.

So Babe, I promise to cook Chicken Noodle for you till we are old and gray, if you promise to turn the lights off at night so nothing
gets me when I am running into the bedroom.
I promise to never touch or try to operate any of your electronic devices, if you promise to squish the spiders (even the microscopic ones.)

I promise to give you alone time to watch your scary movies, if you promise to never be mad when you go to eat the treat you bought at the store, but find that I have already eaten it.
promise I will try and keep the house clean, if you promise not to notice the toys on the floor when you come home.

You still make me laugh Babe, I still miss you when you're gone, and I still get butterflies when it is date night. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I always have and I always will.
Happy Anniversary
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