I am currently trying to get my boys into a routine again. Landon is outgrowing his 3 naps a day schedule :( and becoming a big boy with only 2. But since it is Christmas, we are throwing in a few Christmas traditions here and there.
The first one is hot chocolate. Mmmm... movies, and popcorn (so good together by the way)
But first... a bath. My boys are cuter when they are clean :)

After baths it's time for PJ's and usually a few extra bites of dinner. My boys can really eat:)
This night, we decided to be cruel to our mini muncher, and separate him from his midnight snack with a crazy invisible force field;)
Movie? Well, don't mind if we do! Gabe LOVES to make beds for everyone who is willing to lay in them. Tonight, his busy brother actually took time to lay in one with him!

I remember doing this with my Dad when I was little. I still have pictures of me younger than Gabe with my Dad on the living room floor with pillows... he was a good sport :)
And now for the hot chocolate! This particular night the flavor of choice was roasted marshmallow :) Mmmm... I never got a picture of the popcorn. To bad, you missing out!

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