This year was an "away" year for my family. Everyone was supposed to spend Thanksgiving with their in-laws. Well, my in-laws are in Texas. And when you can't go to Texas and you can't go home... you bring Thanksgiving to you! We had our own little Thanksgiving in our little condo and it turned out quite lovely.

I made the classic stuffing, mashed potato's and gravy, and green beans. I wanted to make bread but ran out of desire soon after:) There was no way in heck I was going to attempt a turkey, so I picked up a rotisserie chicken instead. It was much more juicy than I could ever pull off I am sure!

Landon thought everything was delightful! And, since 90% of Thanksgiving consists of items that are a soggy texture, he could eat everything!!

Gabe thought it was yummy, but his favorite part? The bubbly of course :) Who could pass up sparkling cider in neat cups?? No one at our house!
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