I know that Christmas has come and gone, but before it is out of style I thought I would document ours. We spent Christmas in a temporary apartment in Seattle while we were looking for a permanent home when we officially moved.
I tried my best to keep our traditions going despite have NOTHING of my own Christmas stuff to work with.

We bought a little mini tree at
Wal-mart and decorated it with a few little ornaments. It looked so pathetic :) Our own little Charlie Brown tree. But when we would turn out the lights at night to watch a movie, the tree still glowed and gave us a little spirit of Christmas.
One tradition is opening one present on Christmas Eve. This present is ALWAYS pajama's, though,
apparently Gabe is not aware of this and thought it was a toy because the moment he unwrapped it to find clothing, he almost burst into tears.

But don't they look cute??!! I didn't think my boys would ever be able to wear matching clothes, since they are 3 1/2 years apart, but Landon is wearing 2T now so he shops in the same section as Gabe :)
After the heartbreaking discovery of clothing, we let them give their presents they got for each other. Gabe gave Landon a walker that has lights and music and HE LOVES IT. I give this toy all the credit for giving him the desire to learn to walk.

Landon gave Gabe the
DS game of Wall E. Gabe played it all night!

After the gift opening, we made cookies for Santa and wrote him a note letting him know that we didn't have stockings to hang so please leave our stocking
stuffers on the table.


Gabe got trucks, trucks and more trucks. More
DS games and bathtub toys. He also got clothes, though once he
figured out that all the clothes were in the same size/shape box, he refused to open those type of boxes :)
What is the problem??! I love getting clothes!

Landon got not quite as many, but he had no idea what was going on at all :) Next year he will have much more fun I am sure!
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