Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Non-Active Lifestyle

So, I have come to find that most of the women in my neighborhood are very in physical activities of sorts. Soccer, aerobics, basketball, volleyball. In fact many of them come to church occasionally with bruised wrist, broken hands etc. This should not be something I want to take part in, but it is.
I danced A LOT all through school, and did gymnastics (until my feet would scrape the mat when hanging on the high bar and I couldn't stand the nervous glances from my gym teacher when she had to spot me in something.) But since I have gotten married, I have not been involved in any physical activities.
I am not good a basket ball. Some people call this fact a waste of height. I agree. I will drive my point home with a quick story of the time Hector and I were invited to join a co-ed softball team.
Once we had the invitation to join, I spent the afternoon before our first game in my brother's backyard where he quickly taught me how to throw/hit/catch a ball. I was so nervous that I put my whole heart into NOT looking horrible. When it was my turn to hit, I did fine. I often got a hit, but I never remember running to a base because I was trying so hard I would... black out or something and next thing I knew I was on the base.
In one such occasion, going from 2nd to 3rd I tripped. I remember nothing but coming to a stop and hearing my teammates cry " TOUCH THE BASE!" and as I looked back I found the base a few feet BEHIND me.
When I got to the dug out with my giant bloody knee I asked another girl "did it look at all like I was trying to slide?" and with a pity look she replied "Hun, you don't slide head over heels"
Then when no other position would work, they stuck me beside my hubby in the outfield. Someone hit a fly ball that was coming right for me. I realized it would drop further in field so I ran forward and stuck out my glove. It missed the tip of my glove and landed on the ground.
I proceeded to step on it, and like goofy on a bunch of marbles, rolled on it and landed on my back. I don't remember anything until my husband was yelling at me to get off of the ball so he could throw it in. The team got a home run, and we were not invited back next year.
Anyone got a good suggestion for an activity for me??