Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our First Kiss

Not many people know the story of our first kiss I have come to find out. So, in light of Valentine's Day today, I thought I would share it with all of you.
Our fist kiss, was on our third date. Our first day was dinner at Ruby River (for those of you who know Hector, it would HAVE to be a steakhouse right?) and a trip to the park with Alexandria, our second was his family reunion and IHOP, and then it was our third.
We had gone out to dinner I think, THAT part the night is not burned into my memory. Then, afterwards he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. He had recently seen a great one called Black Hawk Down. Me, being the "guys kind of girl" suddenly LOVED action movies and was really excited to see it.
I slept through the entire second half. Hector says I was drooling but I don't believe him. When the credits began to roll, we slowly stood up and headed for the front door.
I knew it was going to happen. I think every girl does. I was talking incessantly. I talk a lot, but this was ridiculous. Apparently it was a nervous habit at that moment, I was talking about random things and probably made no sense. So, while I was still jabbering about work he put both hands on either side of my face and kissed me. Slowly. I am pretty sure I was still trying to talk.
I wanted him to kiss me, but for some reason I was so nervous I wasn't thinking straight about appropriate behavior during a kiss. I am sad to say he was not my first kiss, but he was my last and best. I had never been kissed like that. My knees were weak and burned like when your in a near crash and the adrenaline is 5 seconds late. I was light headed and seriously thought I might pass out. Then it was over, he smiled at me, and 7 months later we were married. :)


Laura said...

VERY cute story!!! I would expect nothing less from a couple as awesome as you guys! :)

OnlineGuy said...

so cute! I'd never heard that story, I love it!

metcalfruf said...

first off, how did you fall asleep during Blackhawk Down? secondly, when i get nervous or don't know what to do i start laughing. needless to say that is how walt and i had our first kiss...with me laughing.