Thursday, March 25, 2010

New State, New House, New Job, New Life, Same Old Me!

I have been missing from the blogging scene for the last month now. I don't know that many of you actually read my blog, so I am sure no one really noticed it was my longest break since I began my blog :) Everything is different now.
*We have a new, beautiful home. (pictures to come later)
*We are in a new state, Idaho. Which is lovely, but who new that rolling hills could make you feel claustrophobic?
*My husband has a new job. After a year of working at home, this is an interesting/wonderful/weired adjustment.
Everything is different. Good, but different. I feel like we are on an extended vacation.
Amongst the new changes, Gabe has gained the words "because" and "I promise" into his vocabulary. It is so funny to hear him say things like "because I want to Mommy." or " I PROMISE I won't color on the couch Mom!"
For me, I have one goal, and one goal only. To un pack boxes. Just a word of advice, moving companies are not what they are cracked up to be. I am unpacking boxes that say "movies" in the description and contain 4 towels, 2 pairs of shoes, a blender and 1 movie. This makes total sense right? Sure.
Life is odd right now. Routines are weired, house noises are different and I am surrounded by potatoes.
All in all, life is good and we are so blessed that I feel like we don't deserve any of it.