Well, Gabe's birthday is actually in July, but like I said in the post before, I am trying to catch up :) This year Gabe's birthday was so much fun, for all of us! Gabe especially, but it is also a lot of fun to live vicariously through your children. We made him a crown that he wore to his birthday breakfast at IHOP. He got lot's of attention from everyone around us :)

We played all day and then had his birthday party at a park. All his friends were there to meet him when he arrived and it was his first "
surprise party". He loved it!

He wanted a fire truck party all up
until he saw the Transformer's party plates and napkins, then he quickly changed his mind. I am glad that it was before I called the local fire department to see if the fire men do birthday parties :)

The classic blowing out the candles picture. Look at that cake! A talented baker must have made that! :)

We had a pinata at his party... and had the camera rolling just in case of a Funniest
Home Video's moment that may win us money. After
Optimus Prime took his beating, the kids gathered up their candy and we opened presents.

One fire truck, police truck, set of tractors and a potato head later Gabe was one happy camper! He had an awesome time and is already planning his next birthday party... does anyone know how to get a hold of Batman.. or
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