Gabe had his first season of soccer this fall! He loved it, he is his Daddy's son after all :) If you have never watched a peewee soccer game let me give you the best way to describe it. Imagine watching a train wreck right if front of you, only this train was carrying a bunch of silly monkeys to make you laugh while it was all happening.

His team would practice for a half hour before the game began, then they would play a half hour game against another team. We discovered quickly that after running during practice, the chances of them staying focused through the entire gain was slim to none.

They would chase after the ball for a few minutes, get bored, start doing
somersaults, cartwheels, wrestling or try to balanced while walking one of the lines on the field. During one game a kid was
possessed into thinking that it was a perfect time to strip to his underwear, and after the clothing and cleats were gathered from the field the game went on as usual.
Well Gabe had fun, I guess that is what really counts right? We can tell that it will be a year or two before he really "gets" it and we will actually go a game and not to a sideshow:)
Love you buddy!
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