Coming in at a close second to the love for his family, is my husbands love for golf. Gabe is following close in his Daddy's footsteps. Spring is so close, we can all feel it in the air! This wasn't a particularly warm day, but there was no snow on the ground and that was all that matters to these two.

We will miss this about our home here when we move. Oh, by the way, did I mention we are moving?
Daddy giving Gabe some instructions. Don't let Hector fool you, he should be competing. He is great at everything he tries and golf is no exception.
Landon was only a couple weeks at this point, so Mommy and Landon were hanging out inside the warm house watching the other boys :)

Landon was only a couple weeks at this point, so Mommy and Landon were hanging out inside the warm house watching the other boys :)
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