Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sometimes we do stuff...

This will be a series of posts that cover what we have done so far this summer. You see, sometimes we do do fun things. Unlike most of our fellow Utahns, we are not fans of the great outdoors, so winter is really a downer for us. We play all other seasons though!

First for summer is always when Alexandria comes to stay! We decided it was out to eat at our favorite sushi restaurant, Tepanyaki.


Landon looks as if he just gabbled his and everyone else's plate... and held it in his neck and cheeks. Whoa Baby!

Then, a tour of our new condo was in order. That lasted about 1 minute, so then it was time to play. Even though it was about 10 pm at this point all children were too excited to sleep!!

Yay for summer and family!!