Friday, September 2, 2011

Lesson Learned

I found myself complaining to Hector the other day.

About how life was getting a little monotonous.

I also complained about how little sleep I was getting with a 5 month old. How little exercise I was getting with a 5 month old and a 4 yr old. About how much cleaning I was always doing with a 5 month old and a 4 year old and a 36 year old.

About how I was never alone. Never reading or sitting quietly. About my fantasy for sitting in a myself.

Well the Lord has funny ways of whipping us back into shape. Although I must say, I don't think he and I share the same kind of humor.

I will make a long story short.

The kids and I went to lunch with some friends.

Gabe felt sick. He felt worse very rapidly.

We went to the insti-care.

One ambulance ride to Primary Children's later and he is completely normal.

It all lasted for about 3 hours. It in the end was more of a fluke than anything serious.

But I must tell you, in that 3 hours exercising never crossed my mind. Neither did reading my book. Not once did I want to sit by myself. Not once in the whole car ride home did Gabe's chatter bother me.

Not once did his hugs and kisses become slobbery or sticky.

I am thankful that whatever made him feel sick was no big deal. I am thankful that he is perfectly fine. If you ask him, it was awesome riding in the ambulance. And if you ask me, the EMT's should have kept their mouths shut about how might have gotten to ride in a helicopter, because now the ambulance wasn't cool enough.

Everything is fine in my world tonight. Kiss your babies, big and small. Push your messes out of the way so you can read books together. And enjoy the monotony of life :)


Ashley said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! I'm so glad everything turned out to be just fine. It's true. We complain about things, but REALLY we wouldn't want it any other way, right? :)